Harry lorayne memory power system noah may
Harry lorayne memory power system noah may

harry lorayne memory power system noah may

Silver Plate: Foolproof ways to remember words and meaningīubble, bubble, toil and trouble, Bubble, bubble, toilet trouble.Īmajues, Portugal word, clams, What a mesh you is.Įndocarp, visualising himself hitting a fish, a carp, with a gigantic peach pit.Ĭantankerous, visualising a large tin can driving a tank and making lots of errors. Better, Not Older: Discovering your staying/graying powerĬhap. 20 Percent Interest: The importance of interest and curiosityĭoes a reader know that the number 6 on his wristwatch dial the Arabic six or the Roman numeral six?Ĭhap. Fujiyama made up of millions of calendars (12 months, 354 days) so that I could always know that the height of Fujiyama is 12,354 feet.Ĭhap. I also formed a picture in my mind of Mt. HOMES, Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior, in size order, On Each Hill Man Stands, Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, Superior. Stationery/stationary, stationEry=lEtter, stationAry, stAndingĭesert=sand, one n, dessert comes after dinner, double n. Spelling of the word, piece, a PIEce of PIE

harry lorayne memory power system noah may

Spelling of the word, believe, Never beLIEve a LIE The Link System: Controlling where your thoughts leadĮvery Good Boy Does Fine, EGBDF, the lines on the music staff

harry lorayne memory power system noah may

Oh, Pair: Start remembering by associationĬhap. "When you lock your door and you want to remember that you did, see yourself inserting your head or your tongue into the keyhole! Silly? It sure is."Ĭhap. Each time you think of the special pen, that silly picture will come to mind, until you simply know where that pen is hidden. "See" lots of ink squirting out of that pen and soaking, ruining, all of your underwear. As you do, form that connection or association between the two things, pen and underwear. "For example, say you want to save a special pen for your grandchild, so you hide it under a pile of underwear in your top dresser drawer. No pause you walk to the television set, pick up your glasses, and get right back to work." And, i you made that silly mental picture, the Reminder Principle assures that when you think "eye-glasses" you can't help but see them performing on television, or whatever image you have selected. Needing them means thinking of them, you have no choice. "Later, when you're back in the room and you need those eye-glasses, you'll think of them. It's all one quick picture, thought, or visualization, call it a connection or association, and you've just brought the Reminder Principle into play." Perhaps you're watering it to make it grow. Example: "See" a gigantic key growing in a flowerpot. "As you drop your keys into the flowerpot, form a mental image of the two vital entities, the keys and the place where you're putting them. I have trapped a fleeting thought! So later, when I need my pencil, I remember exactly where it is." I have forced my mind to be "originally aware", to be present at that instant. I actually see the pencil going not behind my ear (that would be too mundane and habitual) but into my ear, point first. Every time I'm interrupted and I slide my pencil behind my ear, instead of just doing it without thinking, I force myself to see a mental image. I'm interrupted, the telephone rings, someone calls me with an emergency, or maybe I just need to get a drink of water, and then, "Where the hell is my pencil?"I want to use that same pencil. From Absent- to Present-Minded: You cannot remember if you don't know. Memory Through History: Historic techniques that still workĬhap. Pavlov's Dogs: How memory training worksĬhap.

Harry lorayne memory power system noah may