I recommend to use Nrass mods to keep the game clean. The issue: lag! Like many have said, the Sims 3 has lag issues, with its many expansions + cc it can be rly laggy. The world feels and is alive in the Sims 3. The gameplay is so vast, you have so much do to, so much to explore, that you'll almost never get out of content. Gameplay: this is the reason why I never left Sims 3. If you don't use mods, the default Sims look alot alike and it's hard to make them different from each other.

Hello! Regarding graphics: Personally I think the graphics in Sims 3 look more realistic than the Sims 4! The same can't be said on the Sims themselves. (definitely spent less money on Sims 3 than I have Sims 4) Sims 3 I own all expansions except Into the future, no stuff packs, a handful of store items, its still a million times better. It's the kindof game that while its' looks might have initially turned you away, whats inside will make you fall in love.TLDR The more you play, the more you will like it but if you only spend 10 mins attempting it you will probably walk away never knowing what you missed.Įdited to add: I own everything Sims 4 except Batuu, Wedding nightmare and some of the kits. Once you reach live mode, you will have forgotten about Sims 4 altogether. All the little details Sims 4 lacks will start to shine more and more by the minute. If you stick it out long enough to make it to build mode, while there are things you might miss, the color wheel option for recoloring things will start to suck you in. Its horrible, its not pretty, it's nothing compared to Sims 4 CAS. In my opinion, if you get it, you will get to the CAS and hate it. Most of the bugs can be fixed with mods though so that's nice. Putting your graphics card at 60fps helps a lot. It's really hard on your computer so be cautious. It has it's downfalls as it can be buggy, especially certain packs. A huge selection of patterns to choose from. You can use a color wheel to make everything from hair to walls, to furniture, to clothing exactly what you want. You can pick wood floors or counters and it sounds like you are walking on wood or placing something down.or stone, or carpet, or metal. The create a style can help you personalize EVERYTHING. Yes things died off but there is still an active community and active creators. It's just a much more established community. There are very well made mods that are easy to install that fix the bugs, and lots of well made cc.

Gameplay is much more immersive and you get more of everything with each pack. Things look nice, just different and obviously not as nice as 4 as it is a much older game.